Centre for Stress Management
Established in 1987
Providing training and consultancy services for over 35 years
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual training platform
Imagery Techniques for use within Coaching & Coaching Psychology Practice: A skills based workshop
Location: Scots Club, Edinburgh, Scotland
Date: 18 July, 2018
Time: 9.00am to 12.30pm
This workshop will provide skills practice for practitioners who want to integrate a range of imagery techniques within their coaching or coaching psychology. Although the *techniques are generally used in cognitive behavioural caoching, they are suitable for most coaching approaches and contexts.The techniques assist coachees or clients to:
practise imagery skills,
improve goal-focus,
increase motivation,
enhance self-efficacy, resilience and confidence,
reduce stress, performance anxiety and anger
become more relaxed
enhance performance and wellbeing
The workshop is recognised by the International Society for Coaching Psychology as providing CPD/CPE for its Members. It is a British Psychological Society Learning Centre Approved workshop. The course is run in association with the Centre for Coaching.
Delegates will be expected to work in pairs or triads in order to practise some of the techniques and skills. Pre-workshop reading will be emailed as a PDF or links to online resources.
• To become knowledgeable about a range of imagery techniques
This skills based workshop will help participants:
To become knowledgeable about a cognitive model of imagery
To understand the link between imagery, goal blocking and goal focused behaviours, cognitions and emotional responses
To become knowledgeable of imagery techniques that may be helpful at the start of coaching
To practise a number of imagery techniques used for coaching interventions including imagery improvement exercises, goal focused imagery, motivation imagery, coping imagery, time projection imagery, resilience enhancing imagery, anger reducing imagery
To become knowledgeable about the benefits of using nature inspired imagery to enhance wellbeing and resilience based on ecopsychology research
To use imagery worksheets to enhance the use of imagery techniques
The approach is based on the published works of Arnold Lazarus, Albert Ellis, Angela Puri and Stephen Palmer.
Trainer: Prof Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol FAC (Hon) FIMSA (Hon) FIHPE (Hon)
Stephen is an International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) Accredited Coaching Psychologist and Supervisor, an APECS Accredited Executive Coach and Supervisor, BABCP Accredited CBT Therapist, and a Chartered Psychologist. He is Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark, and Visiting Professor of Work Based Learning and Stress Management at Middlesex University. He is President and Fellow of the ISCP and former President and Honorary Fellow of the Association for Coaching.
Since the early 1990's Stephen has authored or edited over 50 books many of which contain chapters or sections on imagery techniques and skills. (Link to his Amazon book webpage.) He has authored over 225 articles. Once asked by a PhD student if he could only use one technique for his entire practice, which one would he use, he responded some days later that there was one imagery technique that he could use for a range of different client/coachee issues. On this workshop he will share with the delegates which technique he selected.
*These imagery techniques can also been applied within counselling.
Centre alumni & International Society for Coaching Psychology Members £77.50; Association for Coaching, AREBT & British Psychological Society Members £85; Standard rate £95.