Centre for Stress Management
Established in 1987
Providing training and consultancy services for over 35 years
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual training platform
Faculty of Professional Development
The Faculty of Professional Development supports the work of the International Academy for Professional Development and its affiliated Centres. All students and alumni can join the Faculty through becoming members of the International Academy website. Initially they need to contact the office directly to inform us that they wish to join.
The Faculty is developing free textbooks and other material for our students to assist them with their studies and background reading. Student and Alumni Associates of the Faculty of Professional Development will also have free access to articles and short online courses.
We offer professional development programmes recognised by the ISCP for CPD. The Certificate in Work-Based Professional Development (Specialist Topic) and The Certificate in Professional Development (Specialist Topic) are run in association with the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd.
NB Membership of the Faculty of Professional Development is restricted to students, alumni and Faculty staff. Currently membership is free.