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About the Centre for Stress Management, launched in 1987

The Centre for Stress Management, established in 1987, is an international training centre and stress consultancy. It provides stress management and prevention programmes, cognitive behavioural therapy training and coaching, stress audits and research, and stress counselling. 

The Centre for Stress Management has become one of the leading providers of stress management and cognitive behavioural training for health, management, caring and HR professionals in the United Kingdom. In this time it has trained many thousands of delegates and students.

The Centre's stress management and cognitive behavioural therapy training programmes and courses are approved by the British Psychological Society Learning Centre for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The Centre is an International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) Approved Centre. The ISCP recognises it courses and workshops as suitable for IPD and CPD of its members.

The Centre runs short two day training programmes, modular certificate, advanced certificate and diploma programmes in stress management. Our new programmes include stress management and coaching. The external consultancy and training unit offers a range of short courses and longer certificated programes including stress management and cognitive behavioural therapies.

The Centre has been running cognitive behavioural training programmes for over two decades. In addition to the two-day Primary Certificate courses, it offers modular 5-day courses: Certificate in Cognitive-behavioural Therapy (CBT) and the Certificate in Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT). These programmes are suitable for psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists and other health professionals who wish to gain skills and knowledge in these approaches. In addition we offer two CBT and REBT modular programmes at both Advanced Certificate and Foundation Diploma levels.

The Founder Director of the Centre is Professor Stephen Palmer PhD, a well known stress expert, author, speaker and trainer. He edits international journals and has written/edited 60 books and published over 300 articles.

In association with our sister organisation, the Centre for Coaching, the Centre for Stress Management also offers executive, business, performance, stress and life coaching. The Centres are affiliated to the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd. The International Academy also provides blended and distance learning programmes and a bespoke Certificate in Work Based Professional Development (Topic Specialism) programme. The Topic Specialism can cover a work based area of your choice such as business, therapy or coaching, subject to us having a suitable academic supervisor.


ISNI: 0000 0004 0612 7934 

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